jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016



You are joking, I said, straight-facedImage result for straight faced. You had be better bloody joking.

Exchanged looks over the canteen table.
Why would we be joking?
Leaning back in her chair.
Patting the pocket of her jacket in seach of her fags
She winked at Marie. Do I look like I´m joking?

Marie replied, even though she was laughing.

We really have set you upImage result for set up polar bear meeting on a meeting, IN the polar artic ocean AT seven.

Are you excited? She sort of squealed  and bounced up and down Image result for bounced up her chair as I spoke.

The kind of person who gets very excited over nothing much at all.
I put it down to her not having any kids.
If she had kids she´d be too knackered to get excited about anything. I was pissed offImage result for pissed off polar bear.

She tipped her chin backImage result for tip her chin  smokeImage result for tip her chin  smoke as far as it would go and blew smoke Image result for tip her chin  smoke into the air above the table because she knew that too much smoke in the air would make me need a blue inhaler, she seemed to have forgotten that stress makes me need it too.

Leant forward over the table and stubbed the buttImage result for cigarette partsof her fag out in a tinfoil Image result for tinfoilashtrayImage result for stubbed butt of her fag cigarette.

through thick and thin= under all circumstances, no matter how difficult.

"they stuck together through thick and thin"

Re-stock feminine hygiene.
Stacking lot of clothes.
Stared at her
She sat down again.
´Look´, she said, starting to latch ontoImage result for latch onto the idea that I was not very happy.

Drink bacardi breezers to warm us up.

Cheesy: cheap-bad quality, bad taste.
Cheesy smile: not real.
grin: smile

AT the end of the week.
Go on the pull
Dressed up to the nines  like were going to some West End hot spor.

Perfectly dressed in the most fashionable attire

Tall and skinny.

Her blonde curls piled high: 
She´d tower over (tower over someone or something
to stand much taller than someone or something. Tom towers over his older brother, Stan. Tom towered over the littledesk he had been assigned to.) any man that dared to chat her up.

Slinky (ceñido)dress Image result for slinky dress bournemouthwith all the right curves in all the right places.


To keep an eye on you.
blokes= tios, hombres


Think Marie and me as your Bodyguards.

Blind dates are for sad bastards who cannot meet people in a normal way.
twich= contracción nerviosa

I said rolling my eyes like my daughter would have.
I reckon I must be the punch line(the culminating part of a joke,) because I tell you what, everyone else but me thinks it´s funny!.

wavy hair
Twinkly eyesImage result for twinkly eyes leonardo dicaprio to WrinklyImage result for wrinkly eyes man leonardo dicaprio

WOBBLED: tambaleado. fat wobbled.

She had this kind of natural confidence that you made you want to look at her.

Slapper of the year= a promiscuous or vulgar woman.

Except for joy.I can smell her from here.

Shove= empujón

Sticking up for me: Dando la cara por mi.

Shaky: Tembloroso

Jaw= mandibula
Let´s get away from these losers.


Dread in the pit of my belly= espanto en la boca del estomago

Even though they had even worse names for her than they did for me, she´d always laugh it off and have something much funnier and more cruel to say back.

Outsiders: forasteros

screw your eyes up


screw your face up


screw your up eyes


screw your up face

to contract the muscles of your eyes or face because the light is too strong, you are in pain, etc.He took a sip of the medicine and screwed up his face.
mascara Wand= Image result for mascara Wand
cocking her head Image result for cocking her head ladear la cabeza

catch someone's eye 

Image result for caught my eye and get someone's eye 
1. Fig. to establish eye contact with someone; to attract someone's attention. The shiny red car caught Mary's eye.When Tom had her eye, he smiled at her.

2. Fig. to appear and attract someone's interest. small red car passing by caught my eye. One of the books on thetop shelf caught my eye, and I took it down to look at it.

Image result for blemish free

waved the magazine article: agita

Chuckling into her cup of tea: Image result for Chuckling into

Nan= Image result for Nan
She wasn´t cross

Shooting him over her shoulder: 
Telly: Image result for tele
Rim of the mug: bordeImage result for rim of the mug

God´s knows you deserve a bit of happiness.

Coco the clown  the most famous clown in the UK 

Baby wipe: Image result for baby wipe
wiped my face clean. limpiar la cara.

posh dinner: cena elegante

Let off the hook: Image result for let off the hook freed from an obligation. (Alludes to a fish freeing itself from a fishhook. *Typically: be ~; get ~; get someone ~;let someone ~.) Thanks for getting me off the hook. I didn't want to attend that meeting. couldn't get myself off thehook no matter what I tried.

off the hook

having avoided a difficult situation

The one that you got in the sales. 
Skirt with a SPLIT on it: Image result for SPLIT SKIRT

With an edge of sarcasm
Made her reassuring to be around
Nothing ever scared her.

Image result for benson and hedges Took out a ciggie.

EastEnders is a British soap opera; the first episode was broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC One on 19 February 1985. 

all on the balcony, no matter what the weather.

In fact, I spent most of the day ...

I´ll jinx myself.

Jinx: to give bad luck: traer la mala suerte. 

bubbling away 
I decided not to rise to a bait.

1. A male or female that is appealing to the opposite sex.
when something is made blatantly obvious= cuando algo se hace claramente evidente

shrugged Image result for shruggedencogió de hombros

frownedImage result for frowned

Image result for turn up
Turn up = aparecer

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