miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016


  • Life of responsibilities
TThe opportunity or ability to act independently and take decisions without authorization.
"we expect individuals to take on more responsibility"
  • a thing which one is required to do as part of a job, role, or legal obligation.
    plural noun: responsibilities
    "he will take over the responsibilities of Overseas Director"
  • Evolution
  • Leader
  • Take decision
  • Go with a group with a Common purpose or goal
  • Encourages with its own personal example
  • Doing things with joy enthusiastically
  • Make many people happy
  • Takes Point
  • Take the initiative
  • Continues to participate in all services
  • It has criteria
  • expert delegate
  • Happy to see the progress of the people he is leading
  • How it grows and how many people encouraged
  • Future vision: short term, medium term, long term
  • Become a pure devotee
  • Accept many difficulties in making others happy
  • Not discouraged by the difficulties
  • pure heart
  • Listening to the others
  • trabajar en grupo
  • positive attitude
  • It strengthens being trained and also the others being trained because otherwise all is going to stagnate
  • inspires, not authoritative

Be The Change You Want To See In This World – Mahatma Gandhi
During 1930’s, a young boy had become obsessed with eating sugar. His mother was very upset with this. But no matter how much she scolded him and tried to break his habit, he continued to satisfy his sweet tooth. Totally frustrated, she decided to take her son to see his idol – Mahatma Gandhi; perhaps her son would listen to him.
She walked miles, for hours under scorching sun to finally reach Gandhi’s ashram. There, she shared with Gandhi her predicament. –
“Bapu, my son eats too much sugar. It is not good for his health. Would you please advise him to stop eating it?”
Gandhi listened to the woman carefully, thought for a while and replied,
“Please come back after two weeks. I will talk to your son.”
The woman looked perplexed and wondered why had he not asked the boy to stop eating sugar right away. She took the boy by the hand and went home.
Two weeks later they revisited Gandhi. Gandhi looked directly at the boy and said,
“Boy, you should stop eating sugar. It is not good for your health.”
The boy nodded and promised he would not continue this habit any longer. The boy’s mother was puzzled. She turned to Gandhi and asked,
“Bapu, Why didn’t you tell him that two weeks ago when I brought him here to see you?”
Gandhi smiled,
“Mother, two weeks ago I was eating a lot of sugar myself.”

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